By Words Alone: Performance Lit and Acoustic Music
Recommended Ages: All ages welcome
The third Friday of each month beginning September 20, 2019 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Sign up is at 7;15
Presenter: Spoken Word Performer Roger Bradbury
Location: Room 302, Glen Echo Building 7300 MacArthur, Glen Echo, Maryland
Admission: Free
Performance Lit offers writers of fiction, play script, or creative non-fiction an opportunity to read their work to a discerning audience. Singer-songwriters are also welcome to perform their original work with acoustic instrument accompaniment. Each performer will receive a five to eight-minute segment at the mic. Once the performers are done, Roger will lead an improvisation exercise modeled after "It Was A Dark and Stormy Night." All participants and members of the audience may join in the fun. Let's gather and make some artistic noise.